Reese went to the doctor on Monday for her 8 week appointment, she is 9 weeks old though, and we had an excellent health report. She is now 13.4 pounds, 24.5 inches long and her head is 16 inches. I think back to when we left the hospital and she had lost 5 ounces making her 8 pounds and now 5 pounds later I think she is eating just fine. I can't believe she has grown so much, the time has flown by. I love my little angel! She is has just started to drool, so that's fun!! Also she is focusing more on her toys when she plays on her floor mat, trying to reach for them. We have been blessed the past few days with her sleeping until about 6:00 am after we feed her last at night. We usually lay her down around 8:30 - 9:00 pm, but get her up to eat at 11:00 pm. She sleeps through that feeding. I am very excited about her sleeping a bit longer. I hope she keeps it up.